• Praise


From single and never having been in love to married and forming an NGO with her husband.

"Because of this work, I manifested so much personally and professionally.

I always felt like an imposter at work. I felt like someone would find out that I wasn't really good enough to be there. And I attached that to my self worth. I really let go of that.

On the journey to meeting my soulmate, I learned how to know and love myself more which transformed my career as well as my love life. Only two months after completing the work with Katie I started a relationship and less than a year later got married! In the same year I completed my PhD, got promoted and achieved opportunities I had been going after for years. I’ve even started an NGO with my husband to take our vision of global service to the next level."


From a very successful business with struggling personal life to more business success and healed relationships.

“On the outside, my business, bank balance, relationship and life looked wonderful, but I felt out of control.

I had tried everything from self-help books to seminars, and I was seriously starting to lose faith.

I can now officially say that a few short months after meeting Katie - I am pretty much the woman that I knew I could be! I have discovered exactly what was holding me back from being that person.

When I make a business decision - for the first time ever, I know I am making it 100% for me. To make me happy and to give me what I need, rather than to impress others, to create an 'image' or to 'rescue' someone else and save their stress and pain.

Katie has transformed the way I think, live and love forever and I can't quite imagine what my life and business would look like without her. She has turned me into the woman I knew I could be, which has had a huge impact on my career, image and income, and has completely transformed my closest relationships, enabling me to live a life I truly desire. My Daring & Mighty journey has been nothing short of a miracle."

Rise Retreat



From good to great! She has never in her life loved more or earned so much.

"I knew that if I was going to achieve my goals, I was going to need expert support and 100% accountability - and that is exactly what I received.

Working with Katie on and off over the past 5 years has been fundamental to me creating the life I live now. Her wisdom, intuition and guidance had my income increase by 50% within the first few months.

I now have a life of fun, adventure, pleasure, love, health, family, business success and financial wealth!"


From chaos to calm, focus and joy.

"Working with Katie has brought both support and challenge in the best possible way. She has helped me reconnect with, believe and trust in my viewpoint and expertise.

She helped me get under the skin of what has been blocking my ability to be my authentic self and stop the cycle of progress, burnout and start again. Quite something after 20 years. I am more decisive and critical relationships have shifted – helping me run my business more effectively and bring more joy to my family too.

Katie is skilled and intuitive and her input often delivers immediate results for me. What can seem like a very subtle difference in perspective and approach can result in significantly better outcomes."

"My role is to save you time by helping you break through the patterns that have kept you stuck. The sooner you remember that you are Daring & Mighty, the sooner you can step into the life you truly desire and have the impact you are meant to have." - Katie


From off kilter with a busy job, young family and a sick Mum to inner strength & calm.

"I was on a treadmill of stress, pain and anger. I was supporting everyone around me and often wondered, "who is supporting me?"

Katie showed me how to achieve an inner calm that stays with me day to day even though the problems I face are still as real as ever.

My husband, family and work colleagues have noticed a difference in my attitude towards situations that once would have had me losing my temper and failing to be productive. I now approach life from a very different angle – one of love, calm and without stress.

Katie has turned my life around."


From unhappy and not charging her worth to fuelled with purpose and relaunching a successful career.

"Katie is responsible for dramatically transforming my life!

I was pushing my emotions and needs way down so felt passive aggressive, unhappy and awkward. I wasn't charging my worth in my business because I had lost my confidence and identity.

Within a few short months my dreams became big and I started drinking in life again. I relaunched my career and started charging my worth. I upleveled in EVERY part of my life and am already seeing the results which are absolutely incredible."




From losing it all to a total come back in business and life.

"Katie held my hand whilst I navigated the bumpy road of life. I now profoundly know that I am worthy of happiness, money and love.

I have a much better work/life balance without guilt and my friends, family, colleagues and clients have noticed the difference.

My family is happy, I've launched a fantastic new business, met an amazing man, am working less & earning more."


From lost and stuck to being in the driving seat of her life.

"I had a successful career and was working hard and ‘achieving’ but was desperately unhappy and had no time for myself.

Katie's intuitive approach to coaching really worked for me. She pushes gently (in a way that is caring and considered) to ensure I got to the root of the issue myself.

Now I know what I want, I care less about what other people think and I judge myself and others less harshly. As a consequence I feel I have a whole lot more to give.

I am now in the driving seat of my life. I am letting my purpose guide my decisions, have set up my own business, am better connected with my family and best of all, I am better connected with myself."




From feeling consumed by work and no balance to discovering a different way to live.

"I have the utmost respect for what Katie has done for me. Frankly I could not figure it out until she unlocked it for me.

A weight has lifted!

I was promoted, I feel healthier and I'm enjoying planning the things I am going to do this year and action I’m taking towards projects that light me up and push me outside of my comfort zone."


From a muted down version of herself, afraid of judgement, to a fully expressed high end fine artist.

"Before, my life was run by negative childhood programming around fear, lack and struggle. I was fitting in and afraid that others would judge me and not like me if they saw how funny, radiant, talented and kooky I was. Now, I feel free to shine my light and be totally ME."

“For 15 years I have applied the same powerful and gentle coaching approach with consistent success. You will release old patterns, reclaim your intrinsic value, and move forward with clarity and confidence." - Katie


From feeling stuck behind a barrier of fear to taking action towards her dreams.

"I was confident on the outside but inside I was full of self-doubt. I feared that being me wasn’t good enough or loveable. Working with Katie has genuinely changed me. I now feel so happy. I’m no longer playing the victim; but instead making decisions and taking action towards my dreams. I just can’t believe how quickly this has all happened."


From run ragged by her career to starting a new business that’s an authentic reflection of who she truly is.

"Katie gifted me a safe space in which to discover who I am, in all my glory. I am taking action in a way that 6 months ago I would have found impossible. I’m excited about my future and I am quite literally carving out a new path – personally and professionally."


From too hard on herself to a sense of freedom she’s never felt before!

"I had done a tonne of personal development work. Hadn’t I done enough? The answer was a resounding NO. Not even close. Working with Katie was miraculous. The result was way better boundaries, no more settling in my love or professional life."


From people pleasing workaholic to launching a new career feeling light, healthy and well slept!

"I had dipped into books, classes and counselling but was unable to sustain looking after myself. I put off working with Katie, believing I didn’t have time but I am so glad I did. It has changed my life in so many ways. Life is too short to not be living wide awake and fulfilling your potential."


From being single and living a life of ‘should’, to a life of fulfilment, adventure and love.

"My past relationships were so co-dependant that I had completely lost who I was & what I was passionate about. I didn’t put myself, my wants or needs first. I learned to listen to my heart & soul & am now living my dream in Turkey by the sea with my husband!"


From trying to be superwoman on the verge of breakdown to feeling happy, well & back in control.

"It’s not even been a full year since we begun our work together and I have bravely closed my retail shop, re-branded myself, reduced my debt, started going to the gym regularly and am loving my balance! I have a passion for a career that will change the health and wealth of so many."